MSI 845E Max 2 review

Aron Schatz
May 16, 2002
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tBreak has a review of the MSI i845E board.

The 845E Max 2 is an awesome board that is limited in performance simply because of the chipset. Intel had the perfect opportunity to win the crown in terms of performance for DDR chipsets as the scores for DDR-266 are extremely impressive. I guess they have their reasons for not choosing to do so. We have heard of rumors of DDR-333 support for the P4 from Intel in September- but those a re just rumors for now. So here's the deal- if your priority is stability and features, then go ahead and get the 845E Max2 as you will get some good performance out of it as well. However, if it's pure performance that you're looking at, then we suggest waiting for just a little bit longer until the P4X333 from VIA shows its face.


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