SiS 645DX motherboard shootout

Aron Schatz
June 28, 2002
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Legion Hardware has a shootout of three motherboards based on the SiS 645DX chipset.

There are a few ways you can look at these boards to determine who the ultimate winner was. One way is to judge the boards on a feature vs. price ratio; another is a performance vs. price ratio. Or ideally, a performance vs. features vs. price ratio. Since all three boards feature the same chipset, performance vs. price won’t be an issue. However, features vs. price will be, and performance will obviously be considered. It is hard to pick a winner based on features, as MSI and SOYO both packed their boards with all the goods. ECS on the other hand are the obvious losers here, and the $20 US price difference between the ECS and MSI 645DX board will not save them. Performance wise, MSI dominated and retailing for around $100 this board seems too good to be true. MSI have made it difficult for ECS to compete as their “Lite” version of the 645E Max2 retails for around $80 US. SOYO also have a real winner on their hands with the SOYO SY-P4S-645DX Dragon Ultra, as it combines great features, overclocking and performance however, the board is said to retail for an insane $160 US!?!?!? If this is correct, which I believe it is, you just cannot justify purchasing this board when MSI have a very similar product for $60 US less.


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