50,000 Users Now Embrace ConnectWise as PSA Software of Choice

April 5, 2011

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50,000 Users Now Embrace ConnectWise as PSA Software of Choice

TAMPA, Fla., April 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- ConnectWise, the leading business management solution designed exclusively for IT service providers, VARs and MSPs, announced today that the ConnectWise Community has grown to more than 50,000 users who have implemented its technology to achieve greater customer accountability, operational efficiency and profitability.

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Initially developed as an in-house application for their own IT services firm, ConnectWise PSA has since helped thousands of IT solution firms achieve high levels of service and profitability by providing a best practices approach to meeting the operational and management needs of the IT services industry.  Today, ConnectWise partners around the world enjoy a 360 degree view of their business while leveraging advanced automation, delivering significant improvements to communications, workflows, sales/marketing and web/mobile functions. 

"We continue to be thrilled by the reception our business management software continues to receive and feel proud to provide more than 50,000 users with a better way to improve their business practices and achieve their own success," said Arnie Bellini, ConnectWise CEO. "It's gratifying to know a solution we designed to significantly streamline and automate our own IT business is now in daily use at organizations around the world. And we remain committed to a continuous software release cycle to ensure that the IT Nation will be successful not only today but well into the future."

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About ConnectWise

Designed exclusively for the IT Channel, ConnectWise is the leading business management solution for service providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. Today more than 50,000 IT professionals rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency and profitability. ConnectWise fully integrates CRM, sales, help desk ticket and tracking, project tracking, IT service management, SLAs, dispatch scheduling, mobile IT services, time and expenses into a singular IT management software to dramatically streamline IT companies. Over the last 28 years, ConnectWise has become the premier business operating system for IT solution providers. ConnectWise APIs are accessed by over 300 organizations, including ConnectWise partners and industry leaders of the IT Nation. For more information visit http://www.ConnectWise.com or call 800-671-6898.

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SOURCE  ConnectWise


CONTACT: Mark Smith, JPR Communications, +1-818-884-8282, marks@jprcom.com, Skype: jprmark

Web Site: http://www.connectwise.com


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