T-Mobile and AT&T Merger Likely

May 12, 2011

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I've been following this in horror as it continues to unfold. Don't get me wrong, I think two companies should be allowed to enter into a contract if they should so desire. It just sucks for T-Mobile's customers. I had AT&T before I switched to T-Mo and I know they suck really really hard. I have no intention of remaining a customer if this goes through. I want to thank TmoNews for following this so closely and accurately. I also think they've done an excellent job of voicing the T-Mobile customer opinion. They were referenced during the hearing this week.


Imagine our surprise as Rene Obermann, Deutsche Telekom CEO says the sale of T-Mobile USA is on track. Speaking to shareholders at DT’s annual general meeting he expects the deal to close in the first half of 2012.

While he remains confident, I’m slightly more optimistic after yesterdays Senate hearing. Assuming for the moment that our nations leaders aren’t simply in AT&T’s back pocket, it was a clear showing that the deal won’t be rubber stamped. Ultimately the deal may very well be accepted and that’s still the general consensus around the interwebs but still, watching AT&T’s CEO squirm under fire was enjoyable.



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