ConnectWise Adds Features to Award-Winning IT Service Business Management Solution

August 22, 2011

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ConnectWise Adds Features to Award-Winning IT Service Business Management Solution

Version 2011.3 includes new Customer Portal, reporting and invoicing features

TAMPA, Fla., Aug. 22, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- ConnectWise, developer of the leading business management solution designed exclusively for IT service providers, VARS, ISVs and MSPs, today released new and upgraded features to its award-winning ConnectWise software, used by more than 56,000 IT professionals for integrated CRM, sales, service, project management, mobile support, SLAs, billing, and employee scheduling.


Features in ConnectWise 2011.3 include a revolutionary ConnectWise customer portal, the addition of at-a-glance SLA status for service boards, and more flexibility and options for invoicing and reporting. Improvements to the ConnectWise Email Connector now provide instant ticket creation.

"Our industry, and our solution, continues to evolve towards greater emphasis on managed services, increased flexibility in meeting customer needs, and easier collaboration between team members as well as with client IT and management," said Arnie Bellini, ConnectWise CEO. "ConnectWise 2011.3 delivers workflow and client service options our partners will appreciate and implement immediately."

Highlights of new features include:

NEW Customer Portal

The ConnectWise Customer Portal delivers state-of-the-art usability and appearance thanks to a new user interface and improved functionality. Service companies with multiple business locations can now brand the portal by location. Customers can subscribe to provider's marketing groups, pay invoices online, and more. New privacy/access settings manage who can view documents or projects.

NEW Email Connector

The new ConnectWise Email Connector maintains a continuous connection to allow for faster posting of tickets from emails, making meeting SLA's easier and ensuring quickest handling of urgent client issues.

Expanded visibility in SLAs

A new column on the Service Board shows the time left to meet an SLA. ConnectWise has added a decimal place to the age display on the Service Board to provide extra detail on how long a ticket has been open.

Time and Ticketing

Service Codes, standard text used to populate tasks, can now be used on time and ticket entries to speed technician updates and ensure professional notations. Highly anticipated, automatic spell check keeps tickets and invoices error-free.

Invoicing and Sales Order enhancements

ConnectWise 2011.3 now imports paid amounts and date paid data from QuickBooks to ConnectWise, and paid invoices will now show a "Paid" stamp when printed, allowing you to view the complete payment history within ConnectWise. Sales Orders now display pop-up status messages to ensure your team is kept in the loop.

Export reports in different formats

ConnectWise 2011.3 can run and format reports on the fly in Excel, PDF, XML or CSV file formats, then email the report upon completion. New dynamic report parameters are now allowed for scheduling reports.

Partners can view the ConnectWise 2011.3 Release notes here.

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About ConnectWise

Designed exclusively for the IT Channel, ConnectWise is the leading business management solution for service providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. Today more than 56,000 IT professionals rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency and profitability. ConnectWise fully integrates CRM, sales, help desk ticket and tracking, project tracking, IT service management, SLAs, dispatch scheduling, mobile IT services, time and expenses into a singular IT management software to dramatically streamline IT companies. Over the last 29 years, ConnectWise has become the premier business operating system for IT solution providers. ConnectWise APIs are accessed by over 300 organizations, including ConnectWise partners and industry leaders of the IT Nation. For more information visit or call 800-671-6898.

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SOURCE  ConnectWise


CONTACT: Mark Smith of JPR Communications, +1-818-884-8282,, for ConnectWise

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