Tuesday Morning Reviews

Aron Schatz
June 8, 2004
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Still waiting on a minor detail to put a review up.

Albatron FX700P @ Lanaddict.


So, after all of the testing and overclocking and game playing I've done with Albatron's FX5700P Turbo, what do I think of it? Well, I think it's a damn fine card! It'll overclock past 5700 Ultra core speeds with relative ease and it comes with some pretty decent memory. The RAM sinks are a nice touch, as is the fairly substantial GPU heatsink. Add to that the fact that it does not need an external power connection and you've got yourself a winner!

Shuttle XPC SB61G2 v3.0 @ Hexus.


It's a tidy, polished implementation of a well trodden concept, with the odd rough edge here and there. But nobody else does a Pentium 4 SFF box quite like Shuttle, with the SB61G2 v3.0 one of the best. A price of just under £200 inc VAT in the UK should see good sales.

Zalman Resv Cooler @ Pimprig, Silverstone ST460W PSU @ RBMods, Vantec Aeroflow 2 @ FastlaneHW, Modding the Modem @ SM, Paper launches @ HWA


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