Tech Blurbs

Aron Schatz
December 16, 2004
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The latest tech news in one place.

Linux PC Sales Project to $10 Billion in 2008!


The IDC study estimates the overall Linux ecosystem will grow 25.9 percent annually to reach $35.7 billion in 2008. Of that, IDC estimates $14 billion will be packaged software, $10 billion PCs and $11 billion servers.

The FCC is changing the line-sharing policy for Baby Bells. They (the baby bells) are happy about this one.


Since the Telecommunications Act in 1996, local phone carriers have been required to provide government-mandated discounts to lease their entire network--including copper lines, facilities and call switching equipment--to new competitors. Without the discounts on switch leasing, competitors will have to buy their own switching equipment or re-negotiate leases with the Bells.

Get Ready to be Annoyed on Flights with Cell Phone.


To date, wireless devices can't be used once the airplane door is closed. The FCC voted unanimously on Wednesday to auction off new spectrum that could be used to provide high-speed wireless Internet access to planes in flight. Commissioners also took a strong move toward allowing cell phones to be used on airplanes, calling for public comment on the issue. Air travelers who don't like being out of touch with the ground will be able to use wireless connections to check email, surf the Internet, and eventually could make cell phone calls from the air. That could be good news for many business travelers, and probably bad news for those who like a little peace and quiet.

P2P in 15 Lines of Code.


The program creates a small-world network, which might be used by a group of friends or business associates to share files. The program does not work well for very large networks; instead, many small networks can coexist. Each network is protected by a password; a network can be accessed only by people who know its password. (But networks are not secure against attackers who can eavesdrop on their traffic.)

More to come later


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