Thursday Tech News

Aron Schatz
June 16, 2005
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The review news post will be done tonight. I should have some more content up soon as well.

Microsoft 'Blue Hat' hacker conference.


The demo was part of an extraordinary two days in which outsiders were invited into the heart of the Windows empire for the express purpose of exploiting flaws in Microsoft computing systems. The event, which Microsoft has not publicized, was dubbed "Blue Hat"--a reference to the widely known "Black Hat" security conference, tweaked to reflect Microsoft's corporate color.

House turns down Patriot Act rules on library spying.


Supporters of rolling back the library and bookstore provision said that the law gives the FBI too much leeway to go on fishing expeditions based on what people read. Innocent people could get tagged as potential terrorists based on what they check out from a library, critics said.

Friends lead to longer life.


The reasons are not entirely clear. Friends and confidantes might help with coping in times of stress and difficulty, the team suggests. They might also encourage healthy behaviours, such as seeking help for new medical symptoms. "And friends are perhaps less likely to be a source of negative stress, which, for some older people, their children can be," says Lynne Giles of Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, who led the work.

Space suits with geology built in.


The prototype consists of a hand-held video camera connected to a wearable computer, but later versions may link the camera to a head-up display within an astronaut's visor, says Patrick McGuire, who is leading the Spanish and German project at the Centre for Astrobiology in Madrid, Spain.The prototype flags up anything a geologist might find interesting, based on its unusual or distinctive appearance, McGuire says. Later versions may feed image data to a geological "expert system" program designed to analyse images in a similar way to a human geologist.


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