Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
December 28, 2005
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After a long break, we're finally back in the swing of things. Checkout this article: »

US gov't to move to new airwaves.


The biggest cost is expected to be moving the Defense Department, at almost $289 million, followed by the Justice Department at approximately $263 million. Other agencies switching airwaves include the Energy Department, Federal Aviation Administration and NASA, among others.

ISPs want to restrict machine usage based on malwareness*.


A greater threat is that ISPs may try to restrict the customer's side by denying access to machines based on their hardware or software configuration. And far from banning that, the government may be encouraging it. Back when he was head of cybersecurity, White House terrorism advisor Richard Clarke even said it should be made mandatory to quarantine malware.

EU launches competing GPS.


Galileo will also be more exact than GPS, with precision of about three feet, compared to about 16 feet with GPS technology, ESA spokesman Franco Bonacina said. With Galileo, for example, rescue services will be able to direct ambulances on which lane to use on the highway, he said.

Martian rovers still roving.


One of the things that helped prolong the lives of the rovers was the repeated removal of the dust that gathered on the solar panels of each of the robots. Occasional wind events cleared dust from the wing-like panels, thereby increasing the amount of energy yielded by the solar collectors to power the robots.

* I just made that up.


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