Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
February 1, 2006
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RIAA screws another P2P company. How can a single BS entity like the RIAA have so much power? Ohh, they pay off the government. Nice.


The companies are facing recording and movie industry attorneys emboldened by last summer's Supreme Court ruling saying that file-swapping services could potentially be held liable for people who use their software to download movies, music and software illegally.

IE7 Beta 2 released.


Thank you for choosing Microsoft and for trying this pre-release software. Everyone on the Internet Explorer team wants to make your web browsing experience safer and easier. We welcome your feedback. To help you with beta testing, we've provided the resources and checklists below. You may want to print the checklists that apply to you and verify that your websites/applications work with the new Internet Explorer features. Let us know how Internet Explorer 7 is working for you by joining the Internet Explorer 7 newsgroup.

Computer power draw at its limits.


Trends aren't promising. Four or five years ago, a 6-foot tall rack full of computing gear would consume 2 to 3 kilowatts, "but now we're talking about 10-, 15- or 20-kilowatt-draw racks," said Sun Chief Technology Officer Greg Papadopoulos. Google has warned that its server electricity costs soon might outpace its server purchase costs.


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