Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
March 8, 2006
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CEV wind tunnel testing.


The wind tunnel tests are using small-scale models of the crew capsule and launch vehicles. Following NASA Administrator Mike Griffin's announcement of the vehicles' basic architecture in September 2005, NASA released a "call for improvements" for the Crew Exploration Vehicle, a 5-metre-long crew capsule that Griffin has dubbed "Apollo on steroids".

No quick fix for nuclear power.


The panel does not rule out further research into new nuclear technologies and pursuing answers to the waste problem, as future technological developments may justify a re-examination of the issue. But the report concludes that Britain can meet its energy needs without nuclear power.

Coffee doesn't mix so well.


In the new study, researchers specifically tested whether caffeine in coffee could promote heart problems by examining a gene called CYP1A2. The gene, which codes for an enzyme that helps to break down caffeine, comes in two flavours: one version, known as CYP1A2*1F, metabolizes caffeine more slowly than the other.


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