Bush Blocks NSA Probe

Aron Schatz
July 21, 2006

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The executive branch of the government has taken another step to making this country a dictatorship. There are three branches of government for a reason and Bush has overstepped his boundry by blocking the justice department from conducting an investigation. That seems illegal to me. Bush should be thrown in jail.


Bush's decision represents an unusually direct and unprecedented White House intervention into an investigation by the Office of Professional Responsibility, the internal affairs office at Justice, according to administration officials and legal experts. It forced OPR to abandon its investigation of the role played by Justice Department officials in authorizing and monitoring the controversial NSA eavesdropping effort. "Since its creation some 31 years ago, OPR has conducted many highly sensitive investigations involving Executive Branch programs and has obtained access to information classified at the highest levels," chief lawyer H. Marshall Jarrett wrote in a memorandum released Tuesday. "In all those years, OPR has never been prevented from initiating or pursuing an investigation."

It is amazing to me that Bush seems to have NO regard for the constitution. This reminds me of history class when kings thought they had "divine right of rule". Sorry, Bush, not in this country. Remember there are four boxes to defend freedom...the soap box, the ballot box, the jury box, and the ammo box. It looks like the third just fell into the crapper. I'm guessing that an internal conflict is coming to oust this crazy executive branch.


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