Ebay Sellers Want Management Change

Aron Schatz
August 22, 2006
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Many of the Ebay community want a management change. They are citing the need to list an auction many times to get an item sold.


Some of those who sell merchandise through the Internet auctioneer's Web site recently have called for drastic action and management change at the San Jose, Calif., company. They are particularly upset at the deterioration in the company's flagship auction site, where they say they are seeing fewer transactions and declining sale prices. "EBay's core (auction) performance is suffering tremendously," says Steve Grossberg, a longtime videogame seller on eBay. He says he now lists an item four times on average in order to sell it, up from two listings two years ago. Adds Andy Mowery, an eBay seller of home and garden gear: "It is time for new leadership at eBay."


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