Take Two goes after Jack Thompson

March 19, 2007
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Good for Take Two. They shouldn't have to deal with this ass every time they want to release a game. How many times is this guy going to have to lose before the State of Florida considers him a "nuisance". I think that any further law suits should be considered harassment and this guy should receive a dose of his own legal remedies.....


"Take Two plans to release Manhunt 2 and Grand Theft Auto IV later this year, and they would love nothing more than to avoid another Thompson lawsuit. After Thompson made public statements about his intent to block both games from being released, the company asked a judge to "enjoin him from bringing suit on behalf of the State of Florida to enjoin the sale of GTA IV or Manhunt 2." Take Two claims that Thompson is misusing Florida's "nuisance" law, and they point out that attempts to regulate the sale of violent video games have repeatedly faltered, including cases in which the law was drafted by Thompson himself."


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