Microsoft To Release New Xbox 360

Aron Schatz
March 26, 2007

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Apparently, Microsoft is pulling a second Vista debacle and releasing many different version of its console. The new Xbox 360 will sport an HDMI port but no HD-DVD drive. Nuts.


The new box will go on sale in limited quantities soon for $479. The details may not be precise here, but I believe it will have an HDMI connector so that you can connect at the highest speed to a high-definition TV. It will come with a 120-gigabyte hard disk drive and will have IPTV capability. Bill Gates announced in January that the Xbox 360 was capable of serving as a set-top box for IPTV, or Internet Protocol TV, which phone companies such as AT&T are using to offer high-definition movies and scores of channels in competition with TV.


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