Feds Delete ca.gov Domain

Aron Schatz
October 4, 2007

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Oops. It seems someone was redirecting some traffic to a porn site. Solution: delete California's .gov domain name! Problem not solved...


Case in point: A hacker's diversion of traffic from a California county government Web site to a porn purveyor spiraled into IT chaos yesterday after a countermeasure applied from Washington essentially "deleted the ca.gov domain." Order was restored only after seven hours of frenzied coast-to-coast communications and a "forced propagation" of ca.gov network systems, according to Jim Hanacek, public information officer for the California Department of Technology Services. "We don't for sure have the whole picture, but as we understand it, there was some event at the Transportation Authority of Marin Country where their site got hacked," Hanacek told me this afternoon. Traffic was being redirected from that site to one featuring pornography.


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