Electronic Health Information Leader Says Physician Practice Redesign is Vital Next Step Towards Safer, More Effective Care Delivery

March 1, 2010

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Electronic Health Information Leader Says Physician Practice Redesign is Vital Next Step Towards Safer, More Effective Care Delivery

Evolution of use of electronic health information tools in physician practice is focus of Taconic IPA's John Blair III, MD at HIMSS Conference

FISHKILL, N.Y., March 1 -- How will the typical American physician practice be transformed years after federal stimulus funds for health information technology are spent?  The potential scope of change that electronic health information exchange can bring to modern medical practice is the focus of a presentation that John Blair III, MD, president of Taconic IPA, will bring at the HIMSS Annual Conference and Exhibition March 2 in Atlanta.

The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) allocated billions of dollars to fund implementation of electronic health records in hospitals and in physician practice settings.  Those dollars, well spent, have the potential to improve safety, enhance patient access to care and build a truly patient-centered model for care delivery.  In his presentation, "What Does the Future of the Ambulatory Practice Look Like in a Post-ARRA Era?"  Blair introduces the building blocks to successful implementation of electronic medical records in physician practices.

Blair speaks from experience.  He is also CEO of MedAllies, a health information service provider company that assists physician adoption of health information technology.  In collaboration with the Taconic Health Information Network and Community Regional Health Information Organization (THINC RHIO), MedAllies has helped more than 500 physicians in the Hudson Valley implement electronic medical record systems.

In his presentation, Blair notes that electronic health information tools must follow an evolutionary path, taking small steps that lead to practice transformation over time.  Practices first need IT support for the new systems, and then adequate training to learn to use them effectively.  Additional support is needed to redesign the practice so tools can be used most effectively for population health, disease prevention and patient-centered care.

"Technology only lays the foundation for practice transformation," Blair said.  "Once you have your e-prescribing system and your patient registry, then practices can start to do population management  and preventive care."

Blair will be joined by co-presenter Karen M. Bell, MD, MMS, senior vice president, health information technology services at Masspro.  The presentation is set for Tuesday, March 2 from 1 to 2 p.m.  For more information about the HIMSS10 Annual Conference, go to http://www.himssconference.org/.

About Taconic IPA

The Taconic IPA is a nearly 4,000-member physician group at the forefront of transforming health care delivery through meaningful use of technology and pay-for-performance incentives to increase the quality and cost effectiveness of patient care. Our mission is to optimize the value of medical services through patient-centered care while maximizing physician satisfaction.

Source: Taconic IPA

CONTACT:  Tara Guido, +1-703-319-0957, Tguido@health2resources.com, for
Taconic IPA

Web Site:  http://www.himssconference.org/


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