Mobiletag: The First Universal Barcode Reader and Price Comparator Available on OVI Store!

March 5, 2010

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Mobiletag: The First Universal Barcode Reader and Price Comparator Available on OVI Store!

PARIS, March 5, 2010--

    - Mobiletag for Nokia OVI Store

    Mobile Tag, the European leader in mobile barcode solutions,
has launched in February its latest application: mobiletag Universal Reader
and shopping.

     (Photo: )

    Mobiletag is already a downloadable application on all major
mobile stores: Android, Iphone, Blackberry, Windows... And now on NOKIA OVI

    Mobile Tag has always tried to develop new technology from the
consumer's point of view, and the mobiletag Universal Reader & shopping on
OVI Store is no exception.

    The concept behind this application is to send, receive and
share information and best prices to everyone and for everyone through all
standardized barcodes. The millions clients of NOKIA across the world have
now the possibility to update their mobiletag application already embedded or
to download the latest version.

    Scanning a barcode with your Nokia mobile phone is simply
taking a picture of it with your phone, using the mobiletag application.
Mobiletag on OVI Store is free!

    Go to OVI Store and enter "mobiletag".

    Mobiletag: Universal Reader available on OVI Store

    For the first time, your mobile phone can scan the three international
standard barcodes with a single application. Mobiletag scans 1D barcodes (EAN
13, UPC, etc.) and 2D barcodes (Datamatrix, flashcode, Fotokody, QR-Code,
etc.). This version is, for the moment, compatible with the latest mobile top
sales of NOKIA (N97 & 5800 coming soon).

    Finally, a Universal reader that is truly Universal!

    Mobiletag: Shopping

    In addition to the Universal reader, mobiletag has developed a
shopping offer based on product price comparator. Consumers can compare the
best offers from different merchants.

    The price comparator works on 1D barcodes.

    Initially, you can compare prices offered by websites. You
will then also be able to get product information from stores around you.

    Get the best price and purchase products using your Nokia
mobile phone, or go to the store to find your product.

    There are 1D barcodes everywhere around us so scanning can
become a game; however, mobiletag really allows you to save money on your

    About Mobile Tag.

    Innovative company, Mobile Tag is a leading software developer
specialising in mobile handset software solutions.

    In 2006, the company launched mobiletag, an embedded software application
that allows mobile phones to read 2D barcodes, otherwise known as tags,
simply by using the phone's camera. Mobile Tag developed the software to
create quick access to external content.

    Mobile Tag received a venture capital investment of 4 million euros in
October 2008, funded by new lead investor Alven Capital and by existing
shareholders (XangeCapital and IDF Capital). This capital increase will allow
mobiletag to pursue its international growth strategy in the market of
barcodes (Europe, USA). mobiletag has already established business
partnerships with the major mobile network Operators and with international
brands. For mobiles, please use:

    Mobile Tag is a member of GS1, the OMA and is partners with AFMM .


Source: MobileTag

Press contact: Christian Francois VIALA,, +33(0)1-45-27-33-35


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