Said By NachoKingP
I have played nearly all of the FF games, and I would have to say that the most fun I had playing a FF game had to be FF VI (FF III in the US). I know that it had wretched graphics compared to what has been out since (at the time, the graphics were some of the best seen on the SNES), but no game in the FF series with the exception of FFVII has come even close to getting the character progression, development, and interaction as well as FF VI did. Also, the story elements and twists in the plot, as well as the extreme depth that the game had, especially in a cartridge-based format, is exceptional. FF VI also boasts the best music of any FF game that I ahve ever played, and that is even taking into account the cheesy sounds that the SNES created when compared to some of the more rich soundtracks currently available on next-gen consoles.
I do admit that FF VII is a very close second in my list of best FF games, and I loved all of them, but in my opinion FF VI is the absolute best-of-the-best. For those of you who haven't played it, I suggest finding a decent emulator for SNES and try to find an english version of the game, it is still completely enjoyable today, even with its dated graphics. Not that I would promote emulation software, that is PIRACY!!!! :-o ;-)
Said By wolfwoodavenger31
I love ff10 because it was the first one I played and loved the charaters in it. Also they were able to make a sequel from it.
Said By blackwidow47
I know Im an ideot but I just proved that some of you are ediots too