Said By cerise333
Said By ExShinobi
It Has Been Decided!
I win! HAHA!
People Will go to Schools for at least until high school!
If they Dont listen They Get Tortured!
Assholes Get The Stake!
Queers (i mean that in the gay sense)Get There Own island (with stuff and everything) FAR FAR FAR AWAY!
Mexicans who hop over the Border =Shot! (unless they have a child than they get deported!
Prostitution IS LEGAL! (For The Economic Boost!(like a regular job))
stupid racist ppl im mexican n I seriously believe all illegals over there do the dirty job that u guys usually dont even dare to do but u couldnt live without stuff like farming or someone cleanin ur toilets could u? n nooo I dont think they do taht because they cant do anythin better...cause im sure they can but they do it because u guys wont give us better jobs since theyre for us citizens like urselves and cause theres too many racist ppl over there...assholes...I keep my vote wassa for president! grrrrr
Said By inuzukaluv
the thing they don't realize is that america isn't all that great. sure there's more chances for jobs but why go through the trouble of trying to get over here, when that idiot president of ours is just gonna have em deported anyway? *sigh* i can't wait till we get a new president. i don't care who wins, most people would be better than Bush... jeez, i hate politics...