I've recently started playing again. For being released in 97 or 98 I still think this game owns any of the WC that are out there now. I played WC3 for a while... but, it just didn't have the same effect on me that SC had.
So who plays?
If you play online, feel free to msg me. I play on the US East server and my screen name will be Pieless.
You can also discuss your favorite race, strategies, maps, use map settings games, and whatever else.
I play this game, probably my favorite RTS ever. I play online infrequently, thanks to the fact that I have a 56k, one internet-equipped computer in my house, and five family members to share it. Well, my favorite race would be Zerg...I haven't played with anything but them in at least a year. I usually play on the Fastest map ever maps(that are all like, hacked and have a ton of stacked minerals. you know them) and I just either go with most other Zerg players out there and rush with Hydras, or just choose some other unit to rush with. Since Zerg are for rushing.
Yes. You can switch the server you want to play on by simply clicking and connecting. You would have to register the nick you use on the US East server as nick's don't transfer.
EDIT: Zerg is my favorite as well. I don't play on fastmaps because they become boring. It's just mass-rush. Rush-mass. I get tired of it. I like the strategy of the reg sc maps. The Lost Temple being my favorite.
Starcraft is well and good, possibly the best RTS game ever made (so far...). That being said, the engine it is based on is outdated and ugly. While I don't like Heros and stuff, WC3 is what I play today...
I also hate this stupid upkeep crap.
2014 is going to be a good year. More content, more streamlining. Be a part of history!
yeah.. i played it a lot for a couple weeks.. then i lost interst... but i was protoss and i was ok.. not great. i actually forget my stragtegy but it was definitwly a great rts.. i also like red alert 2. good game