Ravin HeartwillingJoined: December 23, 2003Status: OfflinePosts: 408Rep:
Seems Windows Vista is Failing me once again. Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:59:49 AM#51600Perm Link
So around yesterday Vista kept wanting to auto fix some issues on my PC. So I have been telling is "Fuck off" for sometime now. Well it decided to auto update on my next shutdown and I did not know until I turned it off.
So I went to reboot my PC yesterday and it goes smoothly until I get an error that basically is telling me WinowsLogin failed to initialize. All I have after punching in my password, no really XD, I get a black screen with nothing on it. The Cntl Alt Del works and allows me to shut it down, restart or logout. but it will not allow the event viewer, the desktop, or any other applications run. As said, just a black screen.
so I boot it up in safe mode and everything comes up fine so I ran a system restore four days ago.
Attempted to reboot it and again a black screen. I left it alone and another error came up says .Netframe Verison 2 failed to start because it had not been installed. and behind the error Windows onecare tried to startup but when I hit okay on the error, the onecare went away. I went back to safemode and checked the event viewer, ran msconfig and stopped a lot of third part applications from booting up or starting, mostly core Vista Processes, and it is still failing to give me a desktop.
I am just about to reinstall windows XP, but i am trying to see if anyone else has any ideas on how i should approach this situation.
back information.
Nothing new installed.
Biggest thing I did was read a comic from VG cats yesterday morning and then shut it down so i could play some SSBB.
Day before that I ran a little bit of Halo and read my emails and a few news on health issues and ways to prevent them.
Ive considered Linux, but I am going into Comptai right now, once i get certified I am hoping to run Linux and then get a vista and XP up on a VM. as of right now, I am hoping that fixing this issue would provide me some experience and a way to give Microsoft another nasty letter. My PC wasn't built for vista, so i get all sorts of problems because i didn't spend close to a grand to upgrade. but it seems that computers built for or on Vista, work fine and well, but attempting to solely upgrade from XP to Vista, give another stick of RAM and thats about it. The system wants to bitch you out.